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Biritish Modern- Art Fair Tokyo 2018 2018.2.20


The British and Japanese ceramic history crossed their paths in modern days through the close association of Bernard Leach, father of British studio pottery, with Tomimoto Kenkichi and Hamada Shoji, one of the most important modern studio potters of Japan. As the advocators of Mingei Movment Bernard Leach and Hamada Shoji, in particular, influenced each other theoretically and artistically. In postwar Britain, Lucie Rie and Hans Coper, both emigrated to Britain, made a great impact on the following generations. Since then till today, numerous studio potters in UK have developed rich variety of expressions reflecting the life style of modern days as well as the art and spirit of the time in the West.

We would like to showcase the works by some of the most influential potters of the modern and contemporary Britain, including Lucie Rie, Hans Coper and Ruth Duckworth who was likewise emigrated to UK and later moved to USA where she worked actively from 1960’s onwards, Gordon Baldwin who opened up a new horizon in British studio pottery incorporating abstract patterns into vessel form, followed by Ken Eastman who pursued the possibility of form built with clay slabs and Nicholas Rena who enhanced the vessel form with monumentality, to name a few.

We look forward to your visit to our stand at Art Fair Tokyo 2018.

Ken Eastman ケン・イーストマン (b.1960) Good Friday 2004 w50.0×46.0 h71.0

Ruth Duckworth ルース・ダックワース (1919-2009) Untitled c.1989 w10.0 h14.6

Lucie Rie ルーシー・リー (1902-1995) ピンク釉鉢 c.1978 w22.4 h11.2 sold

Hans Coper ハンス・コパー (1920-1981) Pot c.1965 w14.8×11.4 h18.4 sold



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